Sony Bravia: Paint - Remastered.
A study that highlights the pivotal role of music in the overall feel of an ad. Here is a proposed improvement that I feel is more in line with the first Bravia ad, both in visual harmony and acoustic melody. The production was definitely impressive and the footage was breathtaking but it lacked the consistency to be a rightful sequel to the Bravia campaign. Here, colour is presented as soothing and spectacular as opposed to philharmonic and abrupt. This is a rough cut to convey the proposed music (and tempo) change. I offer all my respects to the team that brought this spot to fruition.
hello my friend
I'm john from Maida vale.I finally made it to find your blog.I got a difficulty with the U in phaed(u) cide.I see you are serious here.i loved your version of bravia ad and i agree that it makes sense as a sequel.But what was exactly what they wanted to achieve?Your version made it much more esoteric and harmonic giving the ad an inner power and consistency.It also gives a nice contrast with the rock clown shown in another version.i think your track gives it a more post-modernistic feel and uses the power of serenity to catch the viewers attention.and i believe is this very power of pausing and silence among noise, brands should use more often. But what was the brief for the second ad?maybe they wanted to give a sense of elevation to the ad that your track they way i'm very interested in the use of music in ads and what is their impact to the viewers so lets discuss it more .I loved your cut ,just like to dig deeper .maybe we find something. See you planner.
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