Phaedrus made his ways through the cracks of my fortified chamber.
And it all begins without much more to add, sometimes begginnings are 'just like that'.
And it all begins without much more to add, sometimes begginnings are 'just like that'.
Posted by
2:35 PM
Phaedrucide is an intense concept.
It is neologism, philosophy and brand.
The term defines the killing of the better half of our personalities, our inner Phaedrus: the creative, the passionate and the bizarre. Our inner child.
Yet the philosophy behind it allows it to stand for the absolute opposite. The word is worn as a reminder of the tragedy it defines to prevent it from happening.
It is hard to explain in few words, so if you want to read about it in chapter and verse click here.
Finally it is a brand, my brand. It embodies my creative projects, my way of thinking and my approach to life.
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